Breast reconstruction enables women to feel whole again, not only physically but also emotionally. Many women, unfortunately, are not made aware of their breast reconstruction options. Richmond Aesthetic Surgery encourages all women facing surgery for breast cancer to research their options and seek a referral or consultation with a plastic surgeon specializing in breast reconstruction.
One of the best things about breast reconstruction is that it can be performed at any time. There are several reconstructive options ranging from breast implants to using the patient’s own tissue. Breast reconstruction can be performed at the same time as the mastectomy, also known as “immediate reconstruction” or any time after mastectomy, also known as “delayed reconstruction”. Those who are candidates, immediate reconstruction after mastectomy, can produce the most “natural” results while avoiding the experience of a flat chest altogether. In some cases, breast reconstruction cannot be performed at the same time as the mastectomy. Reasons such as advanced breast cancer (stage III or IV), inflammatory breast cancer, plans for radiation therapy after mastectomy, or lack of access to a reconstructive plastic surgeon. Richmond Aesthetic Surgery would like to help you with your breast reconstruction options. Feel free to contact our office anytime with questions or come in for a consultation visit.
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