Age: 57 years
Height: 5’ 1”
Weight: 120 pounds
Preop: 36 full C
Postop: 36 full C
Implant Size: 350 cc moderate plus profile silicone implants
Incision/Location: periareolar, submuscular, full mastopexy performed
Notes: This patient underwent bilateral total skin and nipple areolar sparing mastecomies is 1990 for severe fibrocystic disease and breats pain. Reconstruction was performed using subglandular silicone implants (above the muscle). A full lift was also performed. She presented to Dr. Zemmel and Richmond Aesthetic Surgery surgery with discomfort and tighteness of the right breast and severe shape distortion on both sides. She desired to be more comfortable and have improved shape and symmetry.
Removal of both breast implants was performed. The right implant was found to be ruptuted on reexploration and the implant and silionce material was removed. Th eleft implant was found to be intact. Complete capsulectomies were performed on both sides, and the previous subglandualr pocket was closed with sutures. Reconstruction was performed with smooth round moderate plus profile silicone implants placed in a new submuscular pocket. A full lift was then performed. Aceullar dermal matrix (alloderm) was placed along the lower portion of the breats to stabile the lower breast crease and to thicken the overlying soft tissue of the lower pole. She is shown 4 months after surgery. Her breasts are now soft, symmetric, anmd non tender. She is now completely comfortable and is very pleased with her results.